Tuesday, May 02, 2006

We are still figuring our this blog thing and how to do the pics and all. I can't figure out how to make this all be in order and continue in one fail swoop instead of lots of little blog entries. I am going to continue with the thank-yous and sweet good-bye pics. This is Catherine Miller for those who don't know her. She is one of my first, and long time friends in Colleyville and our girls are very close. Through all the good byes I laugh with Catherine and her husband Tom that everytime I really "ugly cried" is when I was at their house, They hosted two of our parties in their wonderful, warm home. One for our PrayerCare family,and one for Lindsey's friends and their moms. Lindsey would have to explain the "ugly cry" but she said something like, mother I have never seen you cry like that and its so ugly!!! Man, if you have never been humbled wait til you have a teenager in the house to speak "truth". The prayer covering and send off from people we have ministered with through PrayerCare was so awesome. The scriptures and prayers and words from mentors in our lives is the sweetest gift you could ever be given. THANK-YOU!!!!! Posted by Picasa

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